Welcome to
Hiroshi Esaki's Home Page
2024 New Year
(Nov 2023)
(Dec 2020)
(Nov 2019) インプレス
(June 2016) 大川財団 出版賞受賞(2016年度)
June 2019
### 1. ネット ワーク工学概論 (工学部電気系学科) へのリンク
### 2. 情報工学概論A
(インターネット工学)へのリンク (水曜日 第1限)
### 3.
Internet Architecture (Graduate School of IST)
Research Interests
-Esaki Lab. (May 11, 2024 )
- WIDE Project
- Green University of Tokyo Project
- Task Force on IPv4 Address Exhaustion
- Traffic
Measurement and Analysis of Japanese Commercial Inteernet
**** Recent Hot Topic *****
1. 「オンラン ファースト 〜コロナ禍で進展した情報社会を元に戻さないために〜」,東京大学出版会,2020年12月18日
2. 「デジタル遺伝子×ネット遺伝子の覚醒 〜 Society 5.0の実実装へ〜」,特集 進化するネットワーク,電氣評論, pp.6-21, 2021年8月
3. 「ポスト・コロナの新たな情報化社会へ向けての提言」 (2020年6月25日 公開)
(1) 提言書
(2) オンラインシンポジウム(2020年7月4日開催) [資料]
4. Smart Grid News Letter 8周年記念対談 吉野彰氏(ノーベル化学賞受賞者) x 江崎浩,pp.11-21,
Vol.9, No.12, Dec.2020.
5. Nature Interface 巻頭言「ポストコロナ社会インフラのデザイン」, pp.2-5, No.80, Dec.2020.
6. 「サイバー ファースト」 増補改訂版 (2019年11月)
7. GUTP(東大グリーンICTプロジェクト)活動概要(2019年12月版)
8. Documents to be published via
(1) 『オープンでスマートなキャンパス施設の実現に向けての提言』、東大グリーンICTプロジェクト(Green
University of Tokyo Project)、2017年4月4日.
(2) “Concept for Security – considering
by the Internet”, IGCJ(Internet Governance
Conference Japan, http://igcj.jp/), August 2016.
(3) 『セキュリティーに対する考え方 ―基本となる10の考え―』、日本インターネットガバナンス会議(IGCJ(Internet Governance Conference Japan, http://igcj.jp/),
July 2016.
(4) 『サーバー施設高効率化に向けたガイドライン』、東京大学 TSCP室、2016年12月。
(5) 『東京大学 広域設備ネットワーク 標準データモデル形式』、東京大学
大川財団 出版賞受賞(2016年度)

[Tons of Thanks for the Special Gift from Hiroshima Municipal
Technical High School ]
広島市立工業高校からの贈り物 (二酸化炭素センサノードと銅版の折鶴)
さらに、パワーアップ されました (2014年9月15日) *** NEW !!

Millions of Thanks for the Gift
from Party on May 13, 2005
The University of Tokyo
** Publishments **
1. RFC
Dictionary (by Ascii, October 1998),
2. Internet Dictionary (by IE Institute,
3. Internet Words (by IE Institute, 2000)
4. IP Security & Network Design (IE
Institute, 2001)
5. Internet Architecture (Kyouritsu,
March 2002)
6. IP
version 6 (Shuwa System, May 2002)
7. MPLS (IDG, July 2002)
8. IPv6
TextBook (IDG, Septemper 2002)
9. ネッ トワーク工学概論 (数理出版社, 2007年7月)
10. IPv6
TextBook -Revised- (Impress R&D, November 2007)
11. P2P
Text Book (Impress R&D, December 2007)
12. Broadband Internet Deployment in Japan
(ISO Press, September 2008)
13. スマートグリッド向け新プロトコル 「IEEE1888」と省エネ戦略2011 (インプレス、2011年9月)
14. なぜ東大は 30%の節電に成功したのか?
15. IEEE1888プロトコル教科書 (インプレスジャパン、2013年6月)
16. <<対談掲載>> 「日 本再生最終勧告 −原発即時ゼロで未来を拓く」、加藤寛 著、総合出版
ビジネス社 (2013年3月11日)
17. 「デザインする思考力 −東大エグゼクティブマネジメント−」 (2014年3月20日発売、東京大学出版会)
18. 「インターネット・バイ・デザイン ― 21世紀のスマートな社会・産業インフラの創造へ ―」、東京大学出版会、2016年6月
19. 「サイバーファースト デジタルとリアルの逆転経済」、インプレスR&D、2017年6月
20. 「サイバーファースト」(インプレス社) 増補改訂版 (2019年11月22日)
21. 「オンラン ファースト 〜コロナ禍で進展した情報社会を元に戻さないために〜」,東京大学出版会,2020年12月18日
1. Recent & Past Research Interests
- WIDE Project
- Green UT Project (** Web-Site **)
- Task Force on IPv4 Address Exhaustion
- IPv6 Promotion
- IPv6 Forum IPv6 Ready Logo Program
- Traffic
Measurement and Analysis of Japanese Commercial Inteernet
- Japan
Data Center Council
[Concluded projects]
- VoIP/SIP Interoperability
Task Force (hosted by JPNIC)
- Live E! (with IPv6 Promotion Council)
- P2P Technlogy Promotion
- IP version 6 Technology
1) KAME Project (IPv6 for *BSD*)
2) TAHI Project (Test and Evaluation Suite
for IPv6)
3) USAGI Project (IPv6 for LINUX)
- Label Switching Technology
1) Label
Switching for Distributed IX
- Mobile Technology
1) Nautilus Project
- Measurement and Analysis
collaborating with QBP(Q-shu Bone Project)
2) working
at WIDE Mawi Working Group
- JGN (Japan Gigabit Network)
2. Selected Papers
2.0 Ph.D Thesis
High Speed IP Packet Forwarding Architecture", May 1997. (PDF-version)
Full Papers
- Yukito
Ueno, Ryo Nakamura, Yohei Kuga, Hiroshi Esaki, “A
NIC-driven Architecture for High-speed IP Packet Forwarding on
General-purpose Servers”,
Journal of Information Processing, IPSJ(Information Processing Society
Japan), 2022. (to be appeared)
- Yuwei
Sun, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, “Decentralized
Deep Learning for Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey on Communication
Efficiency and Trustworthiness”,
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Vol.xx, pp.xx-xx, 2022. (to
be appeared)
- 江崎浩,”デジタル遺伝子×ネット遺伝子の覚醒 〜
Society 5.0の実実装 〜”,
特集 進化するネットワーク,
電氣評論, 第603号,
pp.6-21, 2021年8月.
- 江崎浩,”スマートシティーの実現に向けたオープンでスマートなデータ共通基盤”,
Vol.41, No.4, April 2021.
- 粕谷,江崎,“futaba: スマートビルのためのビッグデータ・プラットフォーム”,情報処理学会論文誌,
Vol.62, No.3, pp.867-876, 2021年3月.
- Yuwei
Sun, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, “Adaptive
Intrusion Detection in the Networking of Large-Scale LANs with Segmented
Federated Learning”,
IEEE Open Journal of Communication Society, Vol.17, No.3, pp.102-112,
- Yukito
Ueno, Ryo Nakamura, Yohei Kuga, Hiroshi Esaki, “Fast Longest Prefix Matching by
Exploiting SIMD Instructions”,
IEEE Access Vol.8: 1670270167041, 2020.
- Manabu
Tsukada, Takaharu Oi, Masahiro Kitazawa, Hiroshi Esaki, “Networked Roadside Perception Unites for
Autonomous Driving”,
Issue “Cooperative
Perception for Intelligent Vehicles”, Sensor Networks, MDPI (Online publish)
Sensors (ISSN-1424-8220), 20(18), 5320, https://doi.org/10.3390/s20185320 (registering DOI) September
17, 2020.
- 粕谷,
- 江崎浩,
” オープンでスマートなデータ共通基盤とシステムインテグレーション”,
Vol.40, No.7, July 2020.
- 新津雄大、小林諭、福田健介、江崎浩、“大規模IPv6アドレスの収集・分析”、電子情報通信学会
No.6, pp.223-233, June 2020.
- 江崎浩,
“Society 5.0を支えるデータ共通基盤とエネルギーインフラ”,電気設備学会誌、特集「最先端の電気設備技術動向、pp.289-292,
Vol.39, No.6, 2019年6月.
- Kazuki
Otomo, Kensuke Fukuda, Satoru Kobayashi, Hiroshi Esaki, “Latent
Variable based Anomaly Detection on Network System Logs”,
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Special Issue on Log Data
Technology and Office Information Systems, pp.1644-1652,
Vol.E102-D, No.9. 2019.
- 粕谷、塚田、江崎,“インタラクティブな遠隔ライブVR配信プラットフォーム”,
情報処理学会 論文誌 デジタルコンテンツ(DCON),pp.1-14,
- 幸田、李、落合、栗本、江崎、”パルスリンク法:PPLC-PV通信のためのパケット抽出アルゴリズム”,(one page only), 電子情報通信学会
No.8, pp.555-563, August 2019.
- 塚田、菰原、粕谷、高坂、新居、小川、江崎,”
SDM360-Square: インタラクティブ3Dコンテンツの自由視聴点再生”,
情報処理学会 論文誌 デジタルコンテンツ(DCON),
pp.10-23, Vol.6, No.2, August 2018
- S.Kobayashi,
K.Otomo, K.Fukuda, H.Esaki, ”Mining Casuality of Network Events
in Log Data”,
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, DOI: 10.1109/TNSM.2017.277809, Vol.15,
No.1, pp.53-67, March 2018.
- 塚田,小川,池田,曽根,丹羽,齊藤,粕谷,砂原,江崎,”Software Defined Media: 視聴空間サービスのソフトウェア制御”,
Vol.34, No.3, pp.37-58, 2017年9月.
- Ye
Tao, Xin Li, Manabu Tsukada, Hiroshi Esaki, “Reliable
Overlay Networking on ETSI GeoNetworking Standards”,
Springer International Journal on Intelligent Transport System Research,
pp.1-14, DOI:10.1007/s13177-017-01414-7, April 2017.
- 江崎浩,”Security 5.0の実現に向けたセキュリティーのあり方とエネルギー分野での展望”(Security
for Society 5.0 Era and its Development in Energy Industry), 特集「エネルギーに関する情報セキュリティーの現状と対応」、エネルギー・資源学会「エネルギー・資源」,
Vol.38, No.2, (通巻222号), pp.32-36, 2017年3月
- 江崎浩、砂原秀樹、”Live E! プロジェクト: 活動趣旨とその主な成果“、情報処理学会 学会誌 小特集「Live E! : 〜活きた地球の環境情報〜ディジタル環境情報の中で自律的な生成/流通/加工/共有に向けて」、Vol.58,
No.3, 通巻624号、2016年3月号
- H.Ikegami, H.Ochiai, M.Tsukada, H.Nii,
H.Esaki, “Z3C: Zero-Cross Communication with Pulse
Width Coding Power Line (商用電源における電圧零交差点での電流制御による通信とパルス幅符号化)”, IEICE Transactions on Communications, 若手研究者のための創造的論文特集, Vol.J99-B, No.7, pp490-500, July 2016.
- 中村遼(R.Nakamura), 石原知洋(T.Ishihara), 関谷勇司(Y.Sekiya), 江崎浩(H.Esaki), “トンネリング技術を用いた汎用機器によるデータセンターマルチパスの実現(Multipathing
in Commodity-based Data Center Networks with IP Tunneling )”, 日本ソフトウェア科学会(JSSST) 学会誌, 特集「ネットワーク技術」, Vol.33,
No.3, pp.29-43, August 2016.
- R.Nakamura, K.Okada, Y.Sekiya, H.Esaki, “Common Data Plane for Multiple Overlay Networks”,
Elsevier, The International Journal of Computer Networks, Special Issue
on SDN, October 9, 2015
- I.Nakagawa, M.Hiji, H.Esaki,
"Dripcast - architecture and implementation of server-less Java
programming framework for billions of IoT devices", IPSJ Journal of
Information Processing, Vol.23, No.4, pp.458-464, October 2015. .
- 江崎、落合, "Internet by Design」に基づいたスマートビル。スマートキャンパスの設計と実装 −IEEE1888を用いた実装・プラクティス・展開−",
情報処理学会 デジタル・プラクティス, Vol.5, No.3., July 2014.
- 江崎、落合,"IEEE1888を用いたインターネット型オープンBEMS(Internet-based
Open BEMS using IEEE1888)”、特集: エネルギー・資源に関する技術の標準化への取り組みとその適用、エネルギー・資源学会, Vol.35,No.5, pp.301-305, 2014年9月.
- Hirochika Asai, K.Fukuda, P.Abry,
P.Borgnat, H.Esaki, "Network
Application Profiling with Traffic Causality Graphs",
International Journal of Network Management, DOI: 10.1002/nem.1865, June
5, 2014.
- M.Yamanouchi, H.Ochiai, S.Matsuura,
H.Esaki, H.Sunahara,”Live E!プロジェクト: 誰もが利用できるセンサネットワーキングを目指して(Live
E! Project: A Pervative Sensor Networking)”, (in Japanese), コンピュータソフトウェア学会誌, [解説論文] 特集 ネットワーク技術, Vol.31, No.3, pp.32-41, 2014.
- Hideya Ociai, Yusuke Doi, Hiroshi Esaki,
"CA-EXI: Context-Aware
Efficient XML Interchange for IEEE1888 Message Compression" (CA-EXI:運用コン テキストとEXI符号化を用いたIEEE1888メッセージ圧縮手法),
, IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.J96-B, No.10, pp.1104-1113,
October 2013.
- Yosuke Himura, Kensuke Fukuda, Kenjiro
Cho, Pierre Borgnat, Patrice Abry, and Hiroshi Esaki, "Synoptic
Graphlet: Bridging the Gap between Supervised and Unsupervised Profiling
of Host-level Network Traffic", IEEE/ACM Transaction on
Networking, Volume 21, Issue 4, pp.1284-1297, August 2013.
- 落合、井上、寺西、江崎, "IEEE1888 通信スタックの組み込み向け軽量実装",
情報処理学会 論文誌、Vol.54, No.7, pp.1849-1860, 2013年7月.
- Tri Trinh, Hiroshi Esaki, Chaodit
Aswakul, "Dynamic Virtual
Network Allocation for OpenFlow Based Cloud Resident Data Center",
IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E96-B, No.1, pp.56-64, January
- Y.Kanaumi, S.Saito, E.Kawai, S.Ishii,
K.Kobayashi, S.Shimojo,"RISE:
A Wide-area Hybrid OpenFlow Network Testbed", IEICE Transactions
on Communications, Vol. E96-B, No.1, pp.108-118, January 2013.
- Hirochika Asai, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi
Esaki, "DNS検索グラフによるIPv4/IPv6トランスポートを考慮 したDNS移譲構造の分析(A
Graph-based Analysis on DNS Delegation Relationships in IPv4 and
IPv6 Coexisting Internet)", コンピュータソフトウェア学会、学会誌 コンピュータソフトウェア、ネットワーク技術特集号、Vol.30, No.2, pp.135-146, 2013年8月.
- T.Asami, H.Esaki, Y.Sekiya, K.Saito,
T.Yamashita, G.Iwqanami, "P2Pのこれまでとこれから −ネットワーク高度利用推進協議会の歴史とともに−(Promotion
towards Commercial P2P in Japan)", (in Japanese), IEICE Journal,
Vol.95, No.9, pp.809-814, September 2012.
- Hirochika Asai, Hiroshi Esaki, "AS規模定量化によるAS間接続関係の推定
- Estimation and Evaluation of AS Topologies in the Internet using the
Scale Information of ASes ", JSSST Journal Computer Software,
Vol.29, No.2, pp.95-108, April, 2012.
- Hideya Ochiai, Hiroki Ishizuka, Yuya
Kawakami, Hiroshi Esaki, "A DTN-Based
Sensor Data Gathering in Agricultural Applications", Invited
Paper, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.11, No.11, pp.2861-2868, November 2011.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "The Green University
of Tokyo Project", (in Japanese), Invited Paper, IEICE
Trasactions on Communications, Special Issue on スマートな社会を支えるインターネットアーキテクチャ特集, Vol.J94-B, No.10,
pp.1225-1231, October 2011.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "ICT System
Architecture for Smart Grid (スマートグリッドを支えるICTシステムアーキテクチャ)", IEICE Journal, Vol.94, No.5,
pp.391-395, May 2011. (in Japanese).
- Yosuke Himura, Kensuke Fukuda, Kenjiro
Cho, and Hiroshi Esaki, "Characterization of Host-Level
Application Traffic with Multi-Scale Gamma Model", IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications, Vol.E93-B No.11 pp.3048-3057, November 2010.
- Yosuke Himura, Kensuke Fukuda, Kenjiro
Cho, and Hiroshi Esaki, "An
Evaluation of Automatic Parameter Tuning of a Statistics-based Anomaly
Detection Algorithm," International Journal on Network
Management, Special Issue of on Traffic Monitoring and Network
Measurements: from Theory to Practice, Wiley InterScience,
(wileyonlinelibrary.com), Vol.20, Isuse 5, pp.295-316, August 2010.
- Guillaume Dewaele, Yosuke Himura, Pierre
Borgnat, Kensuke Fukuda, Patrice Abry, Olivier Michel, Romain Fontugne,
Kenjiro Cho, Hiroshi Esaki, "Unsupervised
host behavior classification from connection patterns,"
International Journal on Network Management, Special Issue on Traffic
Monitoring and Network Measurements: from Theory to Practice, (wileyonlinelibrary.com),
Vol.20, Isuse 5, pp.317-337, August 2010.
- Hiroshi ESAKI, "A
Consideration on R&D Direction for Future Internet Architecture"(other link), Special Issue on
SYSTEMS (IJCS), Vol.23, Issue 6-7, pp.694-707, April 2010.
- K.Fukuda, K.Cho, H.Esaki, A.Kato,"国内ブロードバンドトラヒックの動向(An
Analysis of Residential Broadand Traffic in Japan)", IEICE Journal,
Vol.23, No.4, pp.276-279, April 2010. (In Japanese)
- 江崎、”メ ディアとネットワーク”、 映像情報メディア学会誌2010年1月号 「学会創立60周年記念特集」(映像情報メディアの未来ビジョン)、 3.4、2010年1月
- H.Esaki, "我 が国のインターネットトラヒックの実態 から見たネット中立性に関する問題点の考察(A
Consideration of Network Neutrality from the View Point of Internet
Traffic Analysis)", IEICE Network Society Magazine 小特集 『インターネットの経済学』、pp.29-38, June 2009.
- Hideya Ochiai and Hiroshi Esaki, "Topology Change Tolerant
Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks", (in Japanese), IPSJ
Journal, Vol. 50, No.9, pp.2312-2326, September, 2009.
- Sergio CARRILHO, Hiroshi ESAKI, "A Pub/Sub Message Distribution
Architecture for Disruption Tolerant Networks", IEICE Special
Section of Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E92-D No.10.,
pp.1888-1896, October 2009.
- Sho Fujita, Keiichi Shima, Yuijro Uo,
Hiroshi Esaki, "A
Decentralized VPN Service over Generalized Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks",
IEICE Special Section of Transactions on Information and Systems,
Vol.E92-D No.10.,pp.1897-1904, October 2009.
- H.Esaki, "Open Energy Saving and Environmental
Measure Using Internet Technology", The Journal of the Institute
of Image Information and Television Engineers. pp.423-427, Vol.63, No.4,
- Hideya Ochiai, Satoshi Matsuura, Hideki
Sunahara, Masaya Nakayama, Hiroshi Esaki, "Operating
Architecture and Multi-Attribute Search for Wide Area Sensor Networks",
(in Japanese), IEICE Transaction on Communications, Vol.J91-B
No.10.pp.1160-1170, October 2008.
- Kaoru YOSHIDA, Yoriko FUJII, Yutaka
"A Trend Analysis of
Latency and Packet Loss in Broadband Internet Environment through End
View", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.J91-B,No.10,
pp.1182-1192, October 2008.
- Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Networked GPIO Control by High-Level
Languages and Protocol Translator", (in Japanese), Journal fo
IPSJ, Vol.49 No.10, pp.3451-3461, October 2008.
- Masaya Nakayama, Satoshi Matsuura,
Hiroshi Esaki and Hideki Sunahara, "Live E! Project: Sensing the Earth",
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, ISSN
0302-9743, Volume 4311/2006, Technologies for Advanced Heterogeneous
Networks II, pp. 61-74, December 2006.
- Nobuo OKABE, Shoichi SAKANE, Kazunori
MIYAZAWA, Ken'ichi KAMADA, Masahiro ISHIYAMA, Atsushi INOUE, Hiroshi
ESAKI, "Implementing a
Secure Autonomous Bootstrap Mechanism for Control Networks",
IEICE Trasactions on Information and Systems, Volume E89-D No.12 (Special
Section on New Technologies and their Applications of the Internet IV),
pp.2822-2830, December 2006.
- K. Fukuda, K.Cho, H.Esaki, "The impact of residential
broadband traffic on Japanese ISP backbones", ACM Computer
Communication Review, pp.15-22, Issue 1, Volume 35, 2005
- M.Tatipamula, F.L.Faucheur, T.Otani,
H.Esaki, "Design
Implementation of IPv6 Services over GMPLS based IP/Optical Network",
IEEE Communication Magazine, 2005.
- K.Fukuda, K.Cho, H.Esaki, "The Impact of Residential
Broadband Traffic on Japanese ISP backbones",
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review CCR Special Section on
Measuring the Internet s Vital Statistics, Jan.2005.
- Z.Uda, N.Ogashiwa, K.Nagami, K.Kondo,
I.Nakagawa, Y.Shinoda, H.Esaki, "A New Multi-Homing
Architectiure based on Overlay Network", (in Japanese),
Vol.J87-B No.10 pp.1564-1573, October 2004.
- H.Yoshifuji, K.Miyazawa, M.Nakamura,
Y.Sekiya, H.Esaki, J.Murai, "Linux
IPv6 Stack Implementation Based on Serialized data State Processing",
Special Issue on Internet Technology V, IEIECE Transactions on
Communications, Vol.E87-B, No.3, p.429, March 2004.
- Kengo Nagahashi, Hiroshi Esaki, "A Research on the Routing Consistency
in Internet Routing Registry", IEICE Transactions on Information
Systems, Vol.J87-D1 No.5 p.553, (in Japansese), May 2004.
- S.Katsuno, K.Yamazaki, T.Asami, H.Esaki,
"Performance Evaluatin of Layer
2 over MPLS", IEICE Transactions on Information Systems,
Vol.J87-D1 No.5 p.526, (in Japanese), May 2004.
- M.Tatipamula, P.Grossetete, H.Esaki,
"IPv6 Integration and
Coexistence Strategies for Next Generation Networks", IEEE
Communication Magazine, January 2004.
- H.Yoshifuji, K.Miyazawa, M.Nakamura,
Y.Sekiya, H.Esaki, J.Murai, "Linux
Ipv6 Stack Implementation Based on Serialized Data State Processing",
IEICE Trans. on Comm. Special Issue on Internet Technology III, March
- K.Nagahashi, H.Esaki, J.Murai, "An Integrity Check for the Conflict
Origin AS Prefixes in the Inter-domain Routing", IEICE Transactions
on Communication, Special Issue on Internet Technology (in Japanese),
August, 2002
- Tatuya Jinmei, Atsushi Onoe, Kazuhiko
Yamamoto, Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino, Hiroshi Esaki, Jun Murai, "A
method of processing inbound IP packets with a routing table,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications), Volume
86, Issue 9, pp. 1-8, September 2003.
- Ikuo Nakagawa, Hiroshi Esaki, Yutaka
Kikuchi, Kenichi Nagami, “Implementation of widely
distributing IX using MPLS technology”, (In Japanese), IPSJ Journal, Vol.43,
No.12., December 2002.
- Ikuo Nakagawa, Hiroshi Esaki, Yutaka
Kikuchi, Kenichi Nagami, “A Design of Next Generation IX
using MPLS Technology”, (Invited Paper), IPSJ Journal, Vol.43,
No.6., June 2002.
- H.Esaki, A.Kato, H.Miyahara, J.Murai,
"JP Project",
Proceedings of IPSJ, Vol.43.No.11、Nov.2002.
- J.Tatsuya, A.Onoe, K.Yamamoto, I.Hagino,
H.Esaki, J.Murai, "A method of
processing in bound IP packets with a routing table", (in
Japanese), August 2002.
- H.Yoshifuji, M.Kanda, N.Takamita,
Y.Sekiya, H.Esaki, J.Murai, "USAGI
Project; IPv6 protocol stack for Linux system", IEICE
Transactions on Communication, Special Issue on Internet Technology (in
Japanese), August, 2002
- K,Kobayashi, S.Katsuno, K.Nakamura, et
al, "JGN IPv6 Network",
IEICE Transactions on Communication, Special Issue on Internet Technology
(in Japanese), August, 2002
- S.Katsuno, H.Esaki, "DV over IPv6", IEICE
Transactions on Communication, Special Issue on Internet Technology (in
Japanese), August, 2002
- M.Ishiyama, M.Kunishi, K.Uehara,
H.,Esaki, F.Teraoka, "LINA:
A New Approach to Mobility Support in Wide Area Networks", IEICE
Transactions on Communication, Special Issue on Internet
Architecture, Aug, 2001.
- Ken-ichi Nagami, Shigeo Matsuzawa,
Yoshiaki Mogi, Kotaro Ise, Yasuhiro Katsube, Hiroshi Esaki, "Evaluation for a Multicast Extension of a
Label Switching Technology", (In Japanese), IEICE Transactions
on Communications, 2000
- K.Nagami, H.Esaki, Y.Katsube,
O.Nakamura, ”Aggregated
Traffic-Driven Label Mapping in Label Switching Network”, IEEE JSAC (Journals on Selected Area
in Communications), pp.1170-1177, Vol.17, No.6, June 1999
- K.Nagami, H.Esaki, N.Demizu, ” VCID Notification for Label Switching”, IEICE Transactions on Information
& Systems, Special Issue on Internet Technology and its Applications,
Vol.E82-D, No.4, pp.863-869, April 1999.
- K.Kanai, K.Tsunoda, S.Matsuzawa, H.
Esaki, “Forward
Error Correction Control on AAL 5: FEC-SSCS”, IEICE Transactions on Communications,
Vol.E81-B, No.10, October, 1998.
- K.Nagami, Y.Katsube, Y.Shobatake,
A.Mogi, S.Matsuzawa, T.Jinmei, H.Esaki, “Flow
Attribute Notification Protocol (FANP) for Label Switching”, IEICE Transactions on Communications,
Vol.E81-B, No.10, October, 1998.
- Y.Katsube, K.Nagami, S.Matsuzawa,
Hiroshi Esaki, “Internetworking Based on Cell Switch
Router - Architecture and Protocol Overview ?“, Proceedings of the IEEE, December
- S.Matsuzawa, K.Nagami, A.Nogi, T.Jinmei,
Y.Katsube, H.Esaki, “Architecture
of Cell Switch Router and Prototype System Implementation”, IEICE Transactions on Communications,
Vol.E78-B, No.8, August 1997.
- Katsumi Yamato, Hiroshi Esaki : "Congestion Control for ABR Service Based on
Dynamic UPC/NPC", IEICE Transactions on Communications,
Vol.E79-B, No.3, March, 1996.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Masataka Ohta, Ken-ichi
Nagami: "High Speed Datagram Delivery over Internet using ATM
Technology", Toshiba's Selected Papers on Science and Technology,
Vol.8, No.1, January, 1996.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Takeo Fukuda : "Reliable IP Multicast Communication Over ATM
Networks Using Forward Error Correction
Policy", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E78-B, No.11,
November, 1995.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Masataka Ohta, Ken-ichi
Nagami: "High Speed Datagram Delivery over
Internet using ATM Technology", IEICE Transactions on
Communications, Vol.E78-B, No.8, August, 1995.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Yoshiyuki Tsuda, Takeshi
Saito, Shigeyasu Natsubori: "Datagram Delivery in an
ATM-Internet", Toshiba's Selected Papers on Science and Technology,
vol.7, No.1, January, 1995.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Yoshiyuki Tsuda, Kumiko
Kanai: "Evaluation of High Speed
Multimedia Communication Architectuer in
ATM Networks", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Special
Issue on Distributed Architecture for Next Generation Communication
Networks, Vol.E77-B, No.11, November 1994
- Hiroshi Esaki, Yoshiyuki Tsuda, Takeshi
Saito, Shigeyasu Natsubori:"Datagram
Delivery in an ATM-Internet", IEICE Transactions on
Communications, Special Issues on Future Private Networks, Vol.E77-B,
No.3, March, 1994.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Kazuaki Iwamura,
Toshikazu Kodama, Takeo Fukuda :"Connection
Admission Control in ATM Networks", IEICE Transactions on
Communications, Vol.E77-B, No.1, January, 1994
2.2 Publishments on Journal and
some presentation/publishment
コロナ禍が加速させるカーボンニュートラルby&ofデータセンター, 日本工業出版「グリーンテクノロジー」、2021年5月.
Smart Grid News
Letter 8周年記念対談 吉野彰氏(ノーベル化学賞受賞者) x 江崎浩,pp.11-21, Vol.9, No.12, Dec.2020
Nature Interface 巻頭言「ポストコロナ社会インフラのデザイン」, pp.2-5,
No.80, Dec.2020
日本経済新聞 私見卓見 (2020年8月18日)
o 「周回遅れのデジタルトランスフォーメーション in Japan」,pp.48-58,
No.269, アイソス(ISOS), April 2020.
o 日本経済新聞 経済教室 情報の時代の未来 (2018年9月5日)
o 日本品質管理学会 「サービスエクセレンス部会/生産革新部会キックオフフォーラム 基調講演」、2018年8月30日
o 日本産業カウンセラー協会 東関東支部 総会 特別講演(2018年7月)
o 「サイバーファーストの時代」、INTEC TODAY、Vol.2、2018年2月
o 「トータルリスク対策にデータセンターはアンサー」、etto、エネコム、Vol.38(2017
Summer) & 39 (2018 Spring)
o 「IoT時代のサイバーセキュリティにどうたいしょするべきか」、インプレス社 スマートグリッドニュースレター、2017年11月&12月
o 情報処理学会 学会誌 小特集「Live E!:~活きた地球の環境情報~」、Vol.58,
No.3, 通巻624号、2016年3月号
o 『オープンでスマートなキャンパス施設の実現に向けての提言』、東大グリーンICTプロジェクト(Green University of Tokyo Project)、2016年11月18日.
o “Concept for Security – considering by the
Internet”, IGCJ(Internet Governance
Conference Japan, http://igcj.jp/), August 2016.
o 『セキュリティーに対する考え方 ―基本となる10の考え―』、日本インターネットガバナンス会議(IGCJ(Internet
Governance Conference Japan, http://igcj.jp/), July 2016.
o 『建物設備システム リファレンスガイド』、日本データセンター協会(JDCC)+東大グリーンICTプロジェクト(GUTP), 2015年11月26日
o 「インターネット・バイ・デザイン 〜 21世紀のスマートな社会・産業インフラの創造へ 〜」、東京大学出版会、2016年6月
o 「ビックデータの高速処理と省電力の両立」、IT Leaders White
Paper、キーパーソン対談、インプレス社 ビジネスヘッドライン、2016年4月
o 「2020年
より魅力的な社会へ」、Internet of
Things特別鼎談、マイクロソフト TopLine, Vol.3, pp.3-5, 2015年3月
o Energy
Conservation and Low Carbon Standardization Magazine (The Second
Edition, 2015) in Chinese
o 「インターネットってどんなもの?」、朝日ジュニア百科 なぞとき、2015年3月15日号(第45号)
o 「30年後を見据えた新しい都市の在り方実現に向けた提言」、インプレス社、SmartGrid
News Letter, Vol.4, No1. 2015
o 「Internet by Design」に基づいたスマートビル。スマートキャンパスの設計と実装 −IEEE1888を用いた実装・プラクティス・展開−」、情報処理学会
デジタル・プラクティス, Vol.5, No.3., July 2014.
o 「Internet by Design に基づいた都市のスマート化戦略」、建築設備綜合協会 月刊誌
「BE建築設備」 2014年8月号.
o 「東大グリーンICTプロジェクトによるインターネット型スマートビルの実現」、建築設備綜合協会 月刊誌
「BE建築設備」 2014年8月号.
o 「デザインする思考力 −東大エグゼクティブマネジメント−」 (2014年3月20日発売、東京大学出版会)
o 日本IBM 無限大(∞) 2014年4月
o 日本経済新聞 データセンター記事(2013年11 月22日(前編), 12 月5日(後編))
o 三菱UFJビジネススクエア SQUET ”Front Runner”、 pp.27-29、288号、2013年12月1日
o BCN 視点 (On-line)
o 日経コンピュータ 「日本データセンター協会」、 pp.85-86, 第848号、2013年11月28日
o 「進 化を続けるスマートグリッ ド」、BCN 【視点】、(PDF版), P.3, Vol.1505, 2013年11月11日
o 日本経済新聞オンライン記事、「デー タセンター」、2013年秋
o IIJ.news, vol.118, October
2013. [特集:未来を育む研究所]
o 読売新聞 記事 「デー タセンター関連」、(オ ンライン)、2013年8月16日掲載
o 日経産業新聞 「社
o <<対談掲載>> 「日 本再生最終勧告 −原発即時ゼロで未来を拓く」、加藤寛 著、総合出版
ビジネス社 (2013年3月11日)
o 東洋経済オンライン 「データセ ンター・クラウド」 2013年3月
o 東光電気 技法
巻頭言 「21世紀型スマートエネルギーシステムへの挑戦」、No.18, 2013年
o 日経新聞 記事 (ス マートシティー基調講演(オ ンライン)、
ス マートキャンパス)、2013年3月28日掲載
o 弘前型スマートシティー構想 答申書 (答申書)、 2013年3月27日
o 「10年後の未来を大予測」、DreamNavi (2013年4月号)
o 日本電設工業協会 総合誌
電気技術、「東大 グリーンICTプロジェクト」, pp.125-132, No.722,第59巻(2013年1月)
o JPNIC News Letter 「WIDEプロジェクト」, No.52 (2012年11月)
o IT Pro Expo 2012 「JDCCセッション」、(2012年 11月)
o 「震災後の工学 は何をめざすのか」、東京大学
大学院工学研究科編、内田老鶴圃社、pp.229-242, pp.272-277,
o 【一家一言】、江崎浩、"21 世紀型スマートインフラの実現に向けたクラウドシステムの進化と貢献"、日立評論、Vol.94, No.7, p.8, 2012年7月
o 「IEEE1888プ
ロトコル教科書」 (2012年6月21日 発売、インプレスジャパン社」
o 「な ぜ東大は30%の節電に成功したのか?」 (2012年3月11日発売、幻冬舎)
o 江崎浩、「スマートライティング"賢い照明"のインパ クト」、LED2012-2013 −スマートライティングが切り拓く新市場−、日経BP社、2012年5月31日.
o 江崎浩、「東大グリーンICTプロ ジェクト」、月刊 産業と環境 5月号、pp.17-20,
vol.474, 2012年5月.
o 平井明成、江崎浩、「各施設の電 力不足(節電)対策例 5-1 大学施設」、電設技術、Vol.58-5, No.714, 2012年5月.
o 天下雑誌 Common Wealth, 「東大教授 最強節電実験」、2012年5月
o 産経新聞 『金曜討論』 (2012年4月20日) 「夏の電力不足。 快適な節電で乗り切れる」
o 読売新聞 『論点』 (2012年4月17日) 「データセンターの実状と貢献」
o 東京都内 節電優秀事例の紹介 (日経新聞記
講 演オンラインby東京都)
o 「グリーンICT」、
全国エコ大学白書2011(Campus Climate Challenge
2011), pp.58-61, 2011年12月
o 週刊 東洋経済 3月17日号(2012年) データセンター・クラウドの最前線
o 落合、江崎、"グリーンビルディングと設備情報 アクセスプロトコル:その設計と標準化"、電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティ
マガジン B-Plus, pp.119-126, No.18, Fall
Issue, 2011.
o NTTファシリティー技術ジャーナル 288号 (2011年11月) 『戦略的にグローバル展開を』
o 「次世代インターネット実現へ」、
東京大学 工学部
広報誌 "T-time"、Vol.43, 2011年8月
o 「堅
牢なDCで情報を守る」 (日刊工業新聞、2011年9月1日)
o 江崎、「IP通信網を利用した設備監視制御の 動向」、電気評論社、電気評論(2011 臨時増刊号)、pp.43-47, 第96巻、No.563、2011年6月.
o 毎日新聞 キャンパル
o 「日本のデータセンターはいま こそ世界へ」 (CIO Magazine, pp.46-48, Vol.133, May 2011)
「東大流 節電術」、東京新聞、2011年5 月19日
o 「電力危機に向 けた提言」 (新菱冷熱工業 スペシャルインタビュー、2011年5月)
o インプレス WEB FORUM (2011年5月1日(前篇)、5月9日(後編)) IEEE1888 と スマートグリッド
o HH News & Reports Monthly
Interview 『企 業の未来をつなぐ技術 −IPv6への対応 −』
o 朝日新聞 「節電に秘策」 2011年 4月21日(水)
o 企業の未来をつなぐ技術
Monthly Interview, 2011.04/21)
o 月刊 New Media 「近未来のアー カイブを考える」(牧野二郎先生との対談)、pp.41-43, 2011年1月号。
o 東洋経済 「データセンター」 (2010 年10月2日号)
o 朝日新聞 グリーンIT フォーラム
(2010 年9月28日分)
o 画像ラボ、「WIDEプロジェクト」、 2010年8月号
o PCfan、『ネットワークの未来像』、 2010年7月号
o 江崎、"クラウドコンピューティング"、
月刊 自治フォーラム、解説論文、pp.4-10, Vol.614, 2010年11月.
o 東北情報通信懇談会 記念 講演 『「ICT活用による地球環境への貢献』、 (Original
site)2010 年5月仙台
o 東大グリーンICTプロジェクト 関連記事(日経ビジネス、p.1,
o 江崎、「WIDE プロジェクト」、画像ラボ、pp.22-26, 2010年8月号
o K.Fukuda, K.Cho, H.Esaki,
A.Kato,"国内ブロードバンドトラヒックの動向(An Analysis
of Residential Broadband Traffic in Japan)", IEICE Journal, Vol.23, No.4,
pp.276-279, April 2010. (In Japanese)
o 江崎, "イ ンターネットへの素朴な疑問−インターネットの経済学−"、Keynte presentation at 関東支部
総会, Tokyo, Japan, June 05(Sat)
o 東京大学 広報誌
『淡青』 に掲載(第23号、P.26, P.27) 2010年1月.
o 江崎、”メディアとネットワーク”、 映像情報メディア学会誌2010年1月号 「学会創立60周年記念特集」(映像情報メディアの未来ビジョン)、 3.4、2010年1月
o H.Esaki, "我が国のインターネットトラヒックの実態 から見たネット中立性に関する問題点の考察(A
Consideration of Network Neutrality from the View Point of Internet Traffic
Analysis)", IEICE Network Society Magazine 小特集 『インターネットの経済学』、pp.29-38, June 2009.
o 江崎, "インターネット革命と21世紀 の社会設計学",
Keynote presentation at Yame High School, Fukuoka, Japan, October 03(Sat) 2009.
o Special Interview : Panasonic
Electronic Works Journal, No.82, 2009
o 「インターネット技術を用いたオープン環境・省エネ 対策」、映像情報メディア学会誌、2009年4月
o H.Esaki, "Open Energy Saving and Environmental
Measure Using Internet Technology", The Journal of the Institute of
Image Information and Television Engineers. pp.423-427, Vol.63, No.4,
o "The
Green University of Tokyo Project"(local file), Japan Journal,
Highliting JAPAN No.7, November 2008.
o 江崎、"インターネット技術を用いたセンサ情報 共有ネットワークの展開"、情報処理、【特集】オープンリサーチ型次世代ネットワーク技術への挑戦: Natoinal Project JGN2 4年間のFact Sheets、Vol.49, No.10, pp.1153-1158,
November 2008.
o 中村、山本、北村、大槻、中山、小林、江崎、下條、"研究開発用テストベッドネットワークJGN2plusの現状"、 情報処理、【特集】オープンリサーチ型次世代ネットワーク技術への挑戦: Natoinal Project JGN2 4年間のFact Sheets、Vol.49, No.10, pp.1176-1183,
November 2008.
o Hyper Flash Vol.40, Jan.2008(in Japanese)
o H.Esaki, H.Miyata, "Strategy to Establish the IPv6 System
Interoperability", (in Japanese), Proceedings of IPSJ, pp237-243,
vol.49, No.3, Mar.2008.
o H.Sunahara, H.Esaki, "Evolution of Network Applications with IP and IP
version 6", (in Japanese), Proceedings of IPSJ, pp251-256, vol.49,
No.3, Mar.2008
o JPNIC ニュースレター No.30 「巻頭言: 常識壁への挑戦」、 (2005年7月)
2.3 Technical Conferences
- Yukito
Ueno, Ryo Nakamura, Yohei Kuga, Hiroshi Esaki, “Pktpit:
Separating Routing and Packet Transfer for Fast and Scalable Software
Routers”, The 37th ACM SIGAPP
Symposium on Applied Computing, April 2022.
- Manabu
Tsukada, Shinpei Arii, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Misbehavior
Detection Using Collective Perception under Privacy Considerations”,
IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking
Conference (CCNC) 2022,
January 2022.
- Kousuke
Nakagawa, Manabu Tsukada, Keiichi Shima, Hiroshi Esaki, “WebRTC-based
measurement tool for peer-to-peer applications and preliminary findings
with real users”, ACM
Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2021, December
- Yuyi
Cai, Manabu Tsukada, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “MAC
address randomization tolerant crowd monitoring system using WiFi packet”, ACM
Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2021, December
- Yichuan
Chen, Manabu Tsukada, Hiroshi Esaki, “Reinforcement
Learning Based Optimal Camera Placement for Depth Observation of Indoor
IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC 2021), December 2021.
- Yuwei
Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Suspicious
ARP Activity Detection and Clustering Based on Autoencoder Neural
IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC 2021), December 2021.
- Masaya
Mizutani, Manabu Tsukada, Hiroshi Esaki, “AutoMCM:
Maneuver Coordination Service with Abstracted Functions for Autonomous
Driving”, The
24th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent
Transportation (ITSC 2021),
September 2021.
- Yukito
Ueno, Ryo Nakamura, Yohei Kuga, Hiroshi Esaki,”P2PNIC: High-Speed Packet Forwarding
by Direct Communication between NICs”, IEEE
Global Internet (GI) Symposium 2021, May 2021.
- Yuwei
Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Intrusion
Measurement and Detection in LAN Using Protocol-Wide Associative Memory”, 3rd
International Conference on AI in Information and Communication (ICAIIC 2021), April 2021.
- Pawisssakan
Chirupphapa, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, “INTAP:
Integrated Network Traffic Analysis Pipeline for LAN Monitoring System”,
IEEE International Conference on Information Management (ICIM 2021), March 2021.
- Yuwei
Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Deep
Learning-Based Anomary Detection in LAN from Raw Network Traffic
IEEE International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS 2021), March 2021.
- Yuwei
Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Multi-Type
Malware Detection in A Real-World Network Using Raw Network Traffic”,
IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2021), January 2021.
- Yuwei
Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Blockchain-Based
Federated Learning Agaibst End-`point Adversarial Data Corruption”, The
19th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and
Applications (ICMLA
2020), December 2020.
- Kazuma
Inokuchi, Manabu Tsukada, Hiroshi Esaki, “Co-Sound: An interactive medium
with WebAR and spatial synchronization”,
IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing ICEC 2020,
November 2020.
- Zhiqing
Zhang, Pawissakan Chirupphapa, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, “XGBoosted
etection in LAN-Internal Traffic Dataset”, IEEE
International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics,
November 2020.
- Masaya
Mizutani, Manabu Tsukada, Yuki Iida, Hiroshi Esaki, “3D
maps distribution for self-driving vehicles using roadside edges”,2020
Eighth International Symposium on Computing and Netwprking Workshops (CANDARW
2020), November 2020.
- Yuwei
Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Visual
Analytics for Anomaly Classification in LAN Based on Deep Convolutioal
Neural Network”,
IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV 2020), August 2020.
- Yukito
Ueno, R.Nakamura, Y.Kuga, H.Esaki, “Spider: Parallelizing Longest Prefix
Matching with Optimization for SIMD Instructions”(IEEE
Eplore), IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NETSOFT 2020), (online),
July 2020.
- Yuwei
Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Intrusion
Detection with Segmented Federated Learning for Large-Scale Multiple LANs”, IEEE WCCI/IJCNN 2020, July 2020.
- Sheng
Gong, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Scan-Based
Self Anomaly Detection: Client-side Mitigation of Channel-Based
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks against WiFi”, IEEE COMPSAC NETSAP
2020, July 2020.
- Shin
Kato, Tomohiro Ikeda, Mitsuaki Kawamorita, Manabu Tsukada, Hiroshi Esaki,
An Interactive Web Application for viewing 3D Audio-visual Contents”, SMC2020, The 17th
Sound and Music Computing Conference, (on-line), June 2020.
- Rikura
Furuta, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Mitigating
Privacy Leak by Injecting Unique Noise into the Traffic of Smart Speakers”, IEEE SMARTCOMP BITS,
June 2020.
- Ying
Luo, Zhiqing Zhang, Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, “Classfication
of TCP 445 Attacks and Global Snapshot with Honeypot Analysis”,
IEEE ICAIT 2019, Yangon, Myanmar, November 2019.
- Y.Sun,,
H.Esaki, H.Ochiai, “Detection
and Classification of Network Events in LAN Using CNN”,
Proceedings of 2019 4th International Conference on Information
Technology: Encompassing Intelligent Technology and Innovation Towards
the New Era of Human Life, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2019
- Z.Zhang,
H.Esaki, H.Ochiai, “Unveiling
Malicious Activities in LAN with Honeypot”,
Proceedings of 2019 4th International Conference on Information
Technology: Encompassing Intelligent Technology and Innovation Towards
the New Era of Human Life, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2019.
- Z.Zhang,
H.Esaki,, H.Ochiai, “Analysis
of malware hidden behind firewalls with back scans”,
IEEE International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security, ISDFS
2019, Barcelos, Spain, June 2019
- Luo,
Y., Zhang, Z., H.Esaki, H., H.Ochiai, “Classification
of TCP 445 Attacks and Global Snapshot with Honeypot Analysis”,
IEEE first International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies,
ICAIT 2019, Karnataka, India, July 2019.
- Takashi
Kasuya, Manabu Tsukada, Yu Komohara, Shigeki Takasaka, Takuhiro Mizuno,
Yoshitala Nomura, Yuta Ueda, Hiroshi Esaki, “LiVeRation: Remote VR live platform
with interactive 3D audio-visual service”, IEEE
GEM(The Games, Entertainment and Media) 2019, New Haven, USA, June 2019.
- Zhiqing
Zhang,H.Esaki, H.Ochiai, “Analysis
of Malware Hidden Behind Firewalls with Back Scans”,
IEEE ISDFS(7th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and
Security), Barcelos, Portugal, June 2019.
- T.Suga,
K.Okada, H.Esaki, “Toward Real-time Packet
Classification for Preventing Malicious Traffic by Machine Learning”, 1st
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Technologies for Enhanced Network Management (AIMLEM 2019), Paris,
France, February 2019.
- Kai
Matsufuji, S.Kobayashi, H.Esaki, H.Ochiai,”ARP Request Trend Fitting for
Detecting Malicious Activity in LAN”, the
13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information
Management and Communication (IMCOM
2019), Phuket, Thailand, January 2019.
- Porapat
Ongkanchana, H.Esaki, H.Ochiai, “A
Rule-based Algorithm of Finding Valid Hosts for IoT Device Using Its
Network Traffic”, the
13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information
Management and Communication (IMCOM
2019), Phuket, Thailand, January 2019.
- S.Limjitti,
H.Ochiai, H.Esaki, K.Sripanidkulchai, “IoT-VuLock:
Locking IoT Device Vulnerability with Enhanced Network Scans”, the
13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information
Management and Communication (IMCOM
2019), Phuket, Thailand, January 2019.
- K.Otomo,
S.Kobayashi, K.FUkuda, H.Esaki, "Finding Anomalies in
Network System Logs with Latent Variables", ACM SIGCOM 2018
Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data
Communication Networks (Big-DAMA 2018),
Budapest, Hungary, August 2018.
- T.Kitabatake,
R.Fontugne, H.Esaki, “BLT:
A Taxonomy and Classification Tool for Mining BGP Update Messages”, 21st
IEEE Global Internet Symposium with IEEE INFOCOM 2018, Honolulu, USA,
April, 2018.
- K.Otomo,
S.Kobayashi, K.Fukuda, H.Esaki, “An Analysis of Burstiness and
Causality of System Logs”,
Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2017), (ACM
In-Cooperation), Bangkok, Thailand, November 2017.
- M.Utsumi,
H.Tazaki, H.Esaki, “/dev/stdpkt: A Service Chaining
Architecture with Pipelined Operating System Interface in a Unix Shell”,
Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2017), (ACM
In-Cooperation), Bangkok, Thailand, November 2017.
- H.Ochiai,
Z.Zhang, H.Kitamura, H.Esaki, “IR-XY-PV: Infra-Red Multihop
Communication for XV-Coordinated PV Modules”,
Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2017), (ACM
In-Cooperation), Bangkok, Thailand, November 2017.
- A.Mulay,
H.Ochiai, H.Esaki, “IoT WebSocket Connection
Management Algorithm for Early Warning Earthquake Alert Applications”,
IEEE/ACM The First International Workshop on Utility Clouds for IoT
(UCIOT 2017), Austin, Texas, USA, December 2017.
- K.Otomo,
S.Kobayashi, K.Fukuda, H.Esaki, “Analyzing Burstness and Casuality
of System logs”,
(Student Workshop), The 13th International Conference on
emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies (CoNEXT 2017), Seoul,
South Korea, December 2017.
- M.Utsumi,
H.Tazaki, H.Esaki, “/dev/stdpkt: A Service Chaining
Architecture with Pipelined Operating System Interface in a Unix Shell”,
(Poster session), 8th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on
Systems (APSys 2017), Bombay, India, September 2017.
- M.Kitazawa,
M.Tsukada, H.Ochiai, H.Esaki, “Remote Proxy V2V Messaging
Using IPv6 and GeoNetworking”, The
Sixth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems,
Technologies and Applications, VEHICULAR 2017, Nice, France, July 2017.
- Ye
Tao, M.Tsukada, H.Esaki, “Positioning
and Perception in Cooperative ITS Application Simulator”, The
Sixth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems,
Technologies and Applications, VEHICULAR 2017, Nice, France, July 2017.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Ryo Nakamura, “Overlaying and
Slicing for IoT Era based on Internet’s End-to-End Discipline – Based
on the Practices IP version 6 Deployment in Japan”, The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on
Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
(IEEE LANMAN2017), Osaka, Japan, June 2017.
- Satoru Kobayashi, Kensuke Fukuda,
Hiroshi Esaki, “Mining Causes of Networks Events
in Log Data with Causal Inference”, IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on
Integrated Network Management 2017, Lisbon, Potgal, May 2017.
- Manabu Tsukada, Keiko Ogawa, Masahiro
Ikeda, Takuro Sone, Kenta Niwa, Shoichiro Saito, Takashi Kasuya, Hideki
Sunahara, Hiroshi Esaki, “Software
Defined Media: Virtualization of Audio-Visual Services”, IEEE ICC 2017 Communication Software,
Services and Multimedia Applications Symposium, Paris, May 2017.
- Satoru Kobayashi, Kensuke Fukuda,
Hiroshi Esaki, “Causation mining in
network logs”, ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT, Student Workshop,
Irvine, California, USA, December 2016.
- Yu Komohara, Satoru Kobayashi, Hideya
Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Application of Change Point
Detection to System Logs for Fault Detection”, ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT, Student Workshop
(Poster Session), Irvine, California, USA, December 2016.
- Masahiro Ikeda, Takuro Sone, Kenta Niwa,
Shoichiro Saito, Manabu Tsukada, Hiroshi Esaki, “New Recording Application for Software
Defined Media”, Audio Engineering Society Convention,
Paper Number 9610, September 2016.
- Ryo Nakamura, Yohei Kuga, Yuji Sekiya,
Hiroshi Esaki, “Protocol –Independent
FIB Architecture for Network Overlays”, 7th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific
Workshop on System (APSys
2016), Hong Kong, August 2016.
- Ikuo Nakagawa, Masahiro Hiji, Hiroshi
Esaki, “Design and Implementation of Global
Refernce and Indirect Method Invocation Mechanisms in the Dripcast”, IEEE 40th Annual Computer
Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Altanta, USA, August
- Tomoya.Kitazato, Manabu Tsukada, Hideya
Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Proxy Cooperative Awareness Message: An
Infrastructure-Assisted V2V Messaging”, 9th International
Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2016), Kaiserslautern,
Germany, October 2016.
- Ye Tao, Xin Li, Manabu Tsukada, Hiroshi
Esaki, “DUPE:
Duplicated Unicast Packet Encapsulation in Position-Based Routing VANET”, IEEE 9th IFIP Wireless and
Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC 2016), Colmar,
France, July 2016.
- Ryo Nakamura, Y.Kuga, Y.Sekiya, H.Esaki,
“Protocol Independent
NIC Offloading for Overlay Networks”, ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT 2015 Student
Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, December 2015.
- H.Ikegami, M.Tsukada, H.Ochiai, H.Nii,
H.Esaki, "Electronic
Current Based Power Line Communication for Plug-Load Device Auto
Identification", IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid
Communications (SmartGridComm) 2015, Miami, Florida, USA, November 2015.
- Hoan Tran Quoc, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi
Esaki, “Hidden
Topics Modeling Approach for Review Quality Prediction and Classification”, IEEE 7th International Conference
on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2015), Fukuoka, Japan,
November 2015.
- Ayumu Hirata, Daisuke Miyamotom Masaya
Nakayama, Hiroshi Esaki, “INTERCEPT+: SDN Support for
Live Migration-based Honeypots”, 4th International Workshop
on Building Analysis Datasets and Gathering Experience Returns for
Security (BADGERS 2015), Kyoto, Japan, November 2015.
- H.Ikegami, R.V.P.Yerra, P.Rajalakshmi,
H.Esaki, "Real time Power
Capping with Smart Circuit Breaker to maximize Power Utilization of Local
Generator", IEEE BIOT 2015 (2nd IEEE International Workshop on Big Data Management
for the Internet of Things), Taichung, Taiwan, July 2015.
- Ye Tao, M.Tsukada, Xin Li, M.Kakiuchi,
H.Esaki, "Reproducing and
Extending Real Testbed Evaluation of GeoNetworking Implementation in
Simulated Networks", 10th International Conference on Future
Internet (CFI) 2015, In-Cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM, Seoul, Korea, June
- Ryo Nakamura, Yuji Sekiya, Hiroshi
Esaki, "Layer 3 Multipathing
in Commodity based Data Center Networks", 18th Global Internet
Symposium (GI 2015), In conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2015, Hong Kong,
April 2015.
- H.Ochiai, H.Nakagami, Y.Teranishi,
H.Esakiu, "Facility
Networking with IP over RS485: Control for Master-Slave Cascaded Networks",
SmartGridComm 2014, Venice, Italy, November 2014.
- Manussanun Buranachokphaisan, Hideya
Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Unidirectional
Link-Aware DTN-based Sennsor Network in Building Monitoring
Scenario", Poster Session, Wireless days 2014, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, November 2014.
- Manussanun Buranachokphaisan, Hideya
Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "FAST-DTN:
Farther-Aim-Shorter-Try Disruption Tolerant Network for Building
Monitoring Applications", 2014 IEEE Conference on Wireless
Sensors (ICWiSe 2014), Kuala Lumpur, October 2014.
- H.Ochiai,M.Yamanouchi, Y.K.Reddy,
H.Esaki, "City-Scale Weather
Monitoring with Campus Networks for Disaster Management: Case Study in
Hyderabad", W9-B3, TIME-E 2014 (The 2nd International Conference on
Technology, Informatics, Management, Engineering and Environment), Bandung, Indonesia, Aug.2014.
- H.Ochiai, H.Nakagami, Y.Teranishi,
H.Esaki, "Facility
Information Management on HBase: Large-Scale Storage for Time-Series Data",
IEEE COMPSAC2014 International Workshop on Big Data Magagement for the
Internet of Things, Vastras, Sweden, July 2014.
- Ikuo Nakagawa, Masahiro Hiji, Hiroshi
Esaki, "Dripcast
- server-less Java programming framework for billions of IoT devices",
IEEE COMPSAC2014 International Workshop on Big Data Magagement for the
Internet of Things, Vastras, Sweden, July 2014.
- Satoru
Kobayashi, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi Esaki, "Towards an NLP-based log template
generation algorithm for system log analysis", Proceedings CFI2014 (The Ninth
International Conference on Future Internet Technologies), Tokyo, Japan,
June 2014.
- Pongpot Chaiboonruang, Wanchalerm Pora,
Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, “Small Buildings Energy management System
Based on IEEE1888 Standard with Data Compression”, IEEE 11th International
Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer,
Telecommunications and Information Techology (ECTI-CON), Nakhon
Ratchasima, Thailand, May 2014.
- R.Nakamura, K.Okada, Y.Sekiya, H.Esaki,
"ovstack: A Protocol Stack of
Common Data Plane for Overlay Networks", IEEE/IFIP International
Workshop on SDN Management and Orchestration (SDNMO 2014), Krakow,
Poland, May 9th, 2014.
- Hiroshi Esaki, "Data Center Networks and
Network Architecture", invited paper, SPIE Photonic West, OPTO
9010-2, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 2014.
- Hideya Ochiai, Yuuicih Teranishi,
Hiroshi Esaki, "InNetTC:
In-Network Traffic Control for Full IP Sensor-Actuator Networks",
ACM IMCOM (ICUIMC; International Conference on Ubiquitous Information
management and Communication) 2014, Siem Reap, Cambodia, January 2014.
- Youngjoon Won, Romain Fontugne, Kenjiro
Cho, Hiroshi Esaki, Kensuke Fukuda, "Nine Years of
Observing Traffic Anomalies: Trending Analysis in Backbone Networks",
Mini Conference, IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network
Management, Ghent, Belgium, May 27-31, 2013.
- Hirochika Asai, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi
Esaki, "Social
Benchmarking of QoS & QoE in Cellular Data Networks", 2013
Annual IEEE CQR (Communications Quality and Reliability) International
Workshop, Marco Island, USA, May 14-16, 2013.
- Romain Fontugne, Nicolas Tremblay,
Pierre Borgnat, Patrick Flandrin, Hiroshi Esaki, "Mining Anomalous Electricity
Consumption Using Ensemble Empitical Mode Decomposition", IEEE
38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
(ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 26-31, 2013.
- Ryo
Nakamura, Yuji Sekiya and Hiroshi Esaki, "Implementation and Operation of
User Defined Network on IaaS Clouds using Layer 3 Overlay", 3rd
International Conference on Cloud Cimputing and Service Science (CLOSER 2013), Poster
Session, Aachen, Germany, May 2013.
- Romain Fontugne, Jorge Ortiz, Nicolas
Tremblay, Pierre Borgnat, Patrick Flandrin, Kensuke Fukuda, David Culler,
Hiroshi Esaki, "Strip,
Bind and Search: A Method for Identifying Abnormal Energy Consumption in
Buildings", The 12th ACM/IEEE Conference on Information
Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), Philadelphia, USA, April 8-11,
- Yutaro Mishima, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi
Esaki, "An Analysis of
Players and Bots in MMORPG", 27th IEEE International Conference
on Advanced Information Networking and Applivation (AINA), Barcerona,
Spain, March 25-28, 2013.
- Romain Fontugne, Jorge Ortiz, David
Culler and Hiroshi Esaki, "Empirical Mode Decomposition
for Intrinsic-Relationship Extraction in Large Sensor", First
International Workshop on Internet of Things Applications (IoT-App),
IEEE/ACM CPS Week 2012 BEIJING, April 2012.
- Hirochika Asai, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi
Esaki, "Traffic Causality Graphs:
Profiling Network Applications through Temporal and Spatial Causality of
Flows", IEEE/ACM The 23rd International Teletraffic Congress
(ITC2011), San Francisco, September 2011.
- Luciano Aparicio, Rodney Van Meter,
Hiroshi Esaki, "Protocol
Design for Quantum Repeater Networks", ACM AINTEC
(Asian Internet Engineering Conference) 2011, Bangkok, Thailand, November
- Hiroshi Esaki, Hideya Ochiai, "GUTP and IEEE1888 for Smart Facility
Systems using Internet Architecture Framework", 1st IEEE
Workshop on Holistic Building Intelligence through Sensing Systems
(HOBSENSE), cooperating with IEEE DCOSS, Barcelona, Spain, June 2011.
- Hideya Ochiai, Masaya Nakayama, Hiroshi
Esaki, "Hop-by-Hop
Reliable, Parallel Message Propagation for Intermittently-Connected Mesh
Networks", IEEE Internatoinal Symposium on a World of Wireless
Mobile Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) 2011, Lucca, Italy, June 2011.
- Hideya Ochiai, Masahiro Ishiyama,
Tsuyoshi Momode, Noriaki Fujiwara, Kosuke Ito, Hirohito Inagakim Akira
Nakagawa, Hiroshi Esaki, "FIAP: Facility Information
Access Protocol for Data-Centric Building Automation Systems",
Workshop on Machine-to-Machine Communications and Networking (M2MCN)
2011, IEEE INFOCOM2011, Shanghai, April 2011.
- Hideya Ochiai, Hiroki Ishizuka, Yuya
Kawakami, Hiroshi Esaki, "A Field Experience on DTN-Based
Sensor Data Gathering in Agricultural Scenarios", IEEE Senosors,
November 2010.
- Hirochika Asai, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi
Esaki, "Towards
Characterization of Wireless Traffic in Coexisting 802.11a/g and 802.11n
Network", ACM CoNEXT 2010, Philadelphia, November 2010.
- Kaveevivitchai Sathita, Hiroshi Esaki,
"DTNs Message Deletion
and Impact of Human Gathering Points", ACM 6th Asian Internet
Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2010, Bangkok(Thailans), November 2010.
- Hirochika Asai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Towards Interdomain Transit
Traffic Reduction in Peer-assisted Content Delivery Networks",
IEEE 14th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning
Symposiym (NETWORKS 2010), Warsaw, Poland, September 2010.
- Hirochika Asai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Estimating AS Relationships for
Application-Layer Traffic Optimization", 3rd Workshop on Economic Traffic Management (ETM
2010), Amsterdam, Netherland, September 2010.
- Lertluck Leela-amornsin, Hiroshi Esaki,
"Heuristic Congestion Control
for Message Deletion in Delay Tolerant Network", The 10th
International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced
Networking (NEW2AN 2010), St.Petersburg, Russia, August, 2010
- Sathita Kaveevivitchai, Hideya Ochiai,
Hiroshi Esaki, "Message
Deletion and Mobility Patterns for Efficient Message Delivery in DTNs",
PerCom 2010 (Eighth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive
Computing and Communications), Mannheim, Germany, March 29 - April 2,
- Hideya Ochiai, Kenichi Shimotada,
Hiroshi Esaki, "DTIPN: Delay
Tolerant IP Networking for Opportunistic Network Applications",
ACM MobiOpp 2010, Pisa, Italy, February 2010.
- Hiroshi Esaki, "Eco-System Design Based on
Internet Architecture Framework", EcoDesign 2009,
Sapporo(Japan), December 2009.
- Kaoru Yoshida, Hiroshi Esaki, "Energy Saving with ICT
--Green Universwity of Tokyo Project--", EcoDesign 2009,
Sapporo(Japan), December 2009.
- Hideya Ochiai, Noriaki Fujiwara, Hiroshi
Esaki, "Green UT
Energy-Aware Facility Networking: a Challenge to the Standardization of
Architectureand its Protocol", EcoDesign 2009, Sapporo(Japan),
December 2009.
- Hideya Ochiai, Kenichi Shimotada,
Hiroshi Esaki, "IP over DTN:
Large-Delay Asynchronous Packet Delivery in the Internet", IEEE
E-DTN2009, St.Petersburg, October 2009
- Hirochika Asai, Hiroshi Esaki, "AURORA: Autonomous System
Relationships-aware Overlay Routing Architecture in P2P CDNs",
2nd Asia Future Internet Workshop, Jeju, Korea, Aug.ust 2009.
- Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Toward Open Facility Networking:
Semantics Management for Higher-Level Interoperability", 2nd
Asia Future Internet Workshop, Jeju, Korea, Aug.ust 2009.
- Akihiro Sugiyama, Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi
Esaki, "CCDM: Central
Controller-based Device Management Architecture and Method to Split
Management Scripts", IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2009, Seattle, USA, July
- Kaveevivitchai Sathita, Hideya Ochiai,
Hiroshi Esaki, "RainWatch Project:
Location-Awared Realtime Detection and Notification of Rain on
Internet-Based Sensor Network", IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2009, Seattle,
USA, July 2009.
- Yosuke Himura, Kensuke Fukuda, Kenjiro
Cho and Hiroshi Esaki, "An
Automatic and Dynamic Parameter Tuning of a Statistics-based Anomaly
Detection Algorithm", IEEE ICC 2009 CISS, p.6, Dresden, Germany,
June 2009
- Yosuke Himura, Kensuke Fukuda, Kenjiro
Cho and Hiroshi Esaki, "Quantifying
Host-based Application Traffic with Multi-Scale Gamma Model",
PAM2009 Student Workshop, p.2, Seoul, South Korea, April 2009
- Kenjiro Cho, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi
Esaki, Akira Kato, "Observing
Slow Crustal Movement in Residential User Traffic", ACM SOGCOMM,
CoNEXT(International Conference of emerging Networking EXeriments and
Technologies), Madrid, Spain, December 2008.
- S.Fujita, T.Yasumoto, H.Esaki, "On Seamless Connectivity over
Multi-Radio and Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks", ACM
SOGCOMM, CoNEXT(International Conference of emerging Networking
EXeriments and Technologies), Madrid, Spain, December 2008.
- H.Ochiai, H.Esaki, "Mobility Entropy and Message
Routing in Community-Structured Delay Tolerant Networks", ACM
SIGCOMM, Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2008, Bangkok,
Thailand, November 2008.
- H.Ochiai, H.Esaki, "Topology Change Tolerant
Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks", (in Japanese), IPSJ
DICOMO2008, Sapporo (Japan), July 2008.
- S.Fujita, H.Esaki, "ATMOS: A middleware for
Transparent MObile ad-hoc networking Systems", (in Japanese),
IPSJ DICOMO2008, Sapporo (Japan), July 2008.
- H.Ochiai, H.Esaki, "Accuracy-Based
Cache Consistency Management for Numerical Object Replication",
IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2008, Turuk, Finnland, August 2008.
- H.Esaki, H.Sunahara, "Live E! Project;
Sensing the Earth with Internet Weather Stations", IEEE/IPSJ
SAINT2007, Hiroshima, Japan, Jan. 2007
- Hideya Ochiai, Zhiyong Wang, Ryo Oguchi,
Tetsuhiro Sugiyama, Yusuke Sakamoto, Shinichi Ishida, Hiroshi Esaki.
of Content-Based Network for Sensor Data Distribution System",
IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2007 Workshop on Practical Applications of Sensor
Networking, Hiroshima, Japan, Jan.2007.
- Hideya Ochiai, Hiroshi Esaki, "Architecture of
Scalable Embedded Device Management System with Configurable Plug-In
Translator", IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2007 Workshop on Practical
Applications of Sensor Networking, Hiroshima, Japan, Jan.2007.
- Satoshi Matsuura, Hiroki Ishizuka,
Hideya Ochiai, Shinichi Doi, Shinichi Ishida, Masaya Nakayama, Hiroshi
Esaki, Hideki Sunahara, "Live E! Project:
establishment of infrastructure sharing environmental information",
IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2007 Workshop on Practical Applications of Sensor
Networking, Hiroshima, Japan, Jan.2007.
- Kenjiro
Cho, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi Esaki and Akira Kato, "The Impact and
Implications of the Growth in Residential User-to-User Traffic",
ACM SIGCOMM 2006, pp207-218. Pisa, Italy. September 2006.
- S.Fujita, H.Ochiai, H.Esaki, "Cooperative Log-Taking Support
System Exploiting RFID and Web2.0 Technologies", (in Japanese),
JSST 14th Workshop on Interactive Systems and Software (WISS 2006),
Iwate, Japan, December 2006.
- H.Esaki, A.Kato, J.Murai, "IPv6 R&D Activities in WIDE
Project", Workshop on IPv6 Technologies and Application at
IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2006, January 2006.
- Y.Kanaumi, I.Yamauchi, T.Miyake,
K.Kobayashi, H.Esaki, "JGNII
(Japan Gigabit Netwrok II)", Workshop on IPv6 Technologies and
Application at IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2006, January 2006.
- H.Esaki, "Overlay Networking
Architecture", ISPAN2006 (International Symposium on Photonics
and Advanced Networks), Tokyo, January 2006.
- H.Esaki, "Open environmental information
sharing system using the TCP/IP technology - Live E! ; application
and deployment of weather sensor nodes -", (in Japanses), Annual
Conference Architectural Institute of Japan, Tokyo, September, 2005.
- H.Esaki, H.Kan, "Dynamic Traffic Load
Balancing Mechanism for SHAKE Architecture", Proceedings of IEEE
WirelessCom2005, Hawaii, June 2005.
- I.Yamanouchi, T.Yamauchi, T.Miyake,
JShimada, Y.Mikamo, K.Kobayashi, H.Esaki, "JGN II (Japan Gigabit Network
II)", Workshop on IPv6 and Application at IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2005,
February 2005.
- S.Uda, N.Ogashiwa, K,nagami, K.Kondo,
I.Nakagawa, Y.Shinoda, H.Esaki, "Design and Implementation
of Overlaying Multi-Homing Architecture", Workshop on IPv6 and
Application at IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2004, January 2004.
- Y.Mikamo, S.Katsuno, H.Hayashi,
T.Miyake, K.Kobayashi, H.Esaki, "An
Evaluation od IPv6 Multicast Router in JGN IPv6 Networks",
Workshop on IPv6 and Application at IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2004, January 2004.
- M.Kanda, K.Miyazawa, H.Esaki, "USAGI IPv6 IPsec
Development for Linux", Workshop on IPv6 and Application at
IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2004, January 2004.
- H.Esaki, A.Kato, J.Murai, "R&D Activcities and Testbed
Operation in WIDE Project", Workshop on IPv6 and Application at
IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2003, January 2003.
- Shoichi SAKANE, Nobuo OKABE, Ken-ichi
KAMADA, Hiroshi Esaki, "Applying
Kerberos to the communication environment for information
appliances", Workshop on IPv6 and Application at IEEE/IPSJ
SAINT2003, January 2003.
- K.Kobayashi, S.Katsuno, K.Nakamura,
Y.Mikamo, H.Hayashi, A.machizawa, Y.Kitatsuji, H.Esaki, "JGN IPv6 Network",
Workshop on IPv6 and Application at IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2003, January 2003.
- K.Nagahashi, H.Esaki, J.Murai, "BGP
Integrity Check for the Conflict Origin AS Prefix in the Inter-Domain
Routing", IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2003, January 2003.
- S.Katsuno, T.Kubo, K.Yamazaki, H.Esaki,
"Measurement and Analysis of Multimedia Application and IPv6 ADSL
Internet Access Network", IEEE/IPSJ SAINT2003, January 2003.
- Masaki MINAMI, Kengo NAGAHASHI, Akira
KATO, Youki KADOBAYASHI, Masafumi OE, Hiroshi ESAKI and Jun MURAI, "Project JB; Advanced IP Version 6
Research and Educational Network", INET2000, Yokohama, July 2000
- Kengo Nagahashi, Hiroshi Esaki,
Jun.Murai, "The
Evaluation of high speed multicast data transmission over IPv6 networks",
INET2000, Yokohama, July 2000.
- Seiji Ariga, Kengo Nagahashi, Masaki
Minami, Hiroshi Esaki, Jun Murai, "Performance Evaluation of Data
Transmission using IPSec over IPv6 Networks", INET2000,
Yokohama, July 2000.
- M.Minami, M.Oe, K.Okamura,
Y.Kadobayashi, A.Ogawa, K.Nagahashi, H.Esaki; “JB: Design
and Architecture of Next Generation Internet Infrastructure in Japan”, ICCC99, Tokyo, September 1999.
- K.Nagami, H.Esaki, H.Imaizumi,
O.Nakamura; “Evaluation
of label mapping policy for aggregated packet flow in label switching
network”, INET99, San Jose, June 1999.
- K.Kanai, K.Tsunoda, S.Matsuzawa,
H.Esaki; “IP Level
Forward Error
Control Protocol (IP-FEC)", (in Japansese) Internet
Conference '98, Kyoto, Dec. 1998.
- K.Nagami, H.Esaki, O.Nakamura,
H.Imaizumi ; “Flow
Aggregated Traffic-Driven Label Mapping in LSR Network", SPIE
Synposium '98, Boston, Nov. 1998.
- H.Esaki, “Evaluation of Flow Aggregated Traffic
Driven Label Mapping Piolicy in MPLS System”, MPLS International Workshop, November,
- B.Weise, J.Mark, L.Roth, R.Smirnov,
M.Tieman, H.Esaki, “CSR Testing: experiences with
interoperability and performance”, IEEE LANMAN’98 Workshop, May 1998.
- S.Mastuzawa, H.Esaki, A.Mogi, K.Nagami,
T.Jinmei, T.Kon’no, Y.Katsube, “Label Switch
Router Supporting ATM and SONET Interfaces - CSR; Cell Switch Router -“, ICT(International Conference On
Telecommunications) ’98, Greece, June 1998.
- H.Esaki, “ Cell Switch Router - label switch
router supporting SONET and ATM interfaces -“, NGN'97 (Next Generation Networks,
November 1997.
- G.Carle, A.Guha, T.Dwight, K.Tsunoda,
K.Kumiko, H.Esaki, “A Cell-Level Forward Error Correction
Scheme (FEC-SSCS) for ATM Networks”, ICCC'97 (International Conference on
Computer Communications), November 1997.
- H.Esaki, “Cell Switch Router Architecture”, OpenSig'97 Spring Workshop,
Cambridge(UK), April 1997.
- H.Esaki, “Cell Switch Router - label switch router
supporting SONET and ATM interfaces -“, NGN'97 (Next Generation Networks),
Washington DC, November 1997.
- H.Esaki, S.Matsuzawa, A.Mogi, K.Nagami,
T.Jinmei, T.Kon'no, Y.Katsube; “Cell Switch
Router (CSR) - label switching router supporting standard ATM interfaces - “, SPIE Photonics East '97 Symposium,
Dallas, October, 1997.
- Kumiko Kanai, Reto Grueter, Keiji
Tsunoda, Takeshi Saito, Hiroshi Esaki : "Forward
Error Correction Control on AAL5; FEC-SSCS", IEEE International
Conference on Communications 1996 (ICC'96), June, 1996.
- Yasuhiro Katsube, Ken-ichi Nagami,
Hiroshi Esaki: "Cell Switch Router -
Basic Concept and Migration Scenario - ", Networld+Interop'96
Engineer Conference, April, 1996.
- Katsumi Yamato, Hiroshi Esaki :
"Dynamic UPC/NPC for Provision of Best Effort Service", ITU-T
TELECOM95 Technology Summit, October, 1995.
- Hiroshi Esaki: "High Speed IP Packet Forwarding over Internet
using ATM Technology", conference on Emerging High-Speed
Local-Area Networks and Wide-Area Networks, SPIE Photonics East '95
Symposium, October, 1995.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Masataka Ohta, Ken-ichi
Nagami: "High Speed Datagram Delivery
over Internet using ATM Technology", Networld+Interop'95
Engineer Conference, EN12.1, March, 1995.
- Hiroshi Esaki, Yoshiyuki Tsuda, Takeshi
Saito, Shigeyasu Natsubori: "Class D
Service Architecture in an ATM-Internet", IEEE International
Conference on Communications 1994 (ICC'94), pp.1312-1318, May, 1994.
- Hiroshi Esaki : "Call Admission
Control Method in ATM Networks", IEEE International Conference on
Communications 1992 (ICC'92), 354.4, pp.1628-1633, June, 1992
- Hiroshi Esaki, Kazuaki Iwamura,
Toshikazu Kodama : "A Simple and Effective Admission Control Method
for an ATM Network", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 1990
(GLOBECOM'90), 300.5, pp.28-33, December, 1990.
RFC2098, Yasuhiro Katsube, Ken-ichi Nagami, Hiroshi Esaki:
"Router Architecture Extensions for ATM :
IETF RFC2098, April, 1997.
[2] RFC2129, K.Nagami, Y.Katsube, Y.Shobatake, A.Mogi, S.Matsuzawa,
Flow Attribute Notification Protocol (FANP) Specification”,
IETF RFC2129, April, 1997.
[3] RFC4908, K.Nagami, S.Uda, N.Ogashiwa, H.Esaki, R.Wakikawa, H.Onishi,
"Multihoming for Small-Scale Fixed Networks Using
Mobile IP and Network Mobility (NEMO)",
IETF RFC4908, June 2007.
2.5 IETF Internet-Drafts
Masataka Ohta, Hiroshi Esaki, Ken-ichi Nagami :
"Conventional IP over ATM", IETF
draft-ohta-ip-over-atm-01.txt, July, 1994.
[2] Hiroshi Esaki, Ken-ichi Nagami, Masataka Ohta :
"Connection Oriented and Connectionless IP
Forwarding Over ATM Networks",
IETF Internet-Draft,
draft-esaki-co-cl-ip-forw-atm-00.txt, October, 1994.
[3] Yasuhiro Katsube, Ken-ichi Nagami, Hiroshi Esaki:
"Router Architecture Extensions for ATM :
IETF Internet-Draft,
draft-katsube-router-atm-overview-00.txt, March, 1995.
[4] K. Nagami, N. Demizu, H. Esaki, P. Doolan,
Notification over ATM link”,
draft-nagami-mpls-vcid-atm-00.txt, February 1998 (to be Standard RFC)
[5] N. Demizu, K. Nagami, P. Doolan, H. Esaki,
Virtual Connection Identifire, draft-demizu-mpls-vcid-01.txt, October 1997,
[6] N. Demizu, K. Nagami, P. Doolan, H. Esaki,
Pool”, draft-demizu-mpls-vcpool-00.txt, October
[7] K.Nagami, N.Demizu, H.Esaki, P.Doolan,
Notification over ATM Link”,
draft-ietf-mpls-vcid-atm-00.txt, Feb., 1998.
[8] K.Yamamoto, K.Cho, Y.Inoue, H.Esaki, H.Atsushi, Y.Atarashi,
over Point-to-Point ATM Link”,
draft-yamamoto-ipv6-over-p2p-atm-01.txt, Feb. 1998.
Hiroshi Esaki, Ph.D,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Email hiroshi@wide.ad.jp
TEL: +81-3-5841-7465
FAX: +81-3-5841-6702